Zeiss LWZ3 21-100mm T2.9 Zoom

The Zeiss LWZ3 zoom lens is a robust and reliable featherweight in its class but nevertheless supporting you with superior performance at the same time. Whether you are shooting a short film, a soap opera, a feature film or a run-and-gun documentary – even in the most difficult conditions, the ZEISS LWZ.3 zoom lens is a trustworthy and powerful companion.

It is colour matched with other Zeiss cine lenses making it an ideal counter part to Master Prime, Ultra Prime and Compact Prime lens range.

Technical Specifications
Focal length 21-100mm
Aperture range T2.9-22
Min. Marked Object Distance 2'8"
Front diameter 114mm
Length 226mm
Weight 2.0kg
Coverage S35
Mount PL or EF
Focal length Aperture range Min. Marked Object Distance Front diameter Length Weight Coverage Mount
21-100mm T2.9-22 2'8" 114mm 226mm 2.0kg S35 PL or EF
Optional Accessories
LMB-5 2 Stage Clamp On Mattebox
LMB-15 3 Stage Clamp On Mattebox
C-Motion Pan-Bar Zoom Controller
ARRI SXU-1 Focus Kit